Sunday, March 10, 2024

Journal Entry: Civil Service Marathon 2024

Date: March 9, 2024

As I reflect on the today's event, participating in the Civil Service Marathon 2024, I am filled with a mixture of pride and concern. The main objective of this marathon was clear from its inception 2019- to promote the health and well-being of civil servants. It's a noble cause, one that resonates deeply with me and many others who took part in this endeavor.

The organizers had meticulously planned the marathon, dividing 408 participants into three categories to accommodate participants of different demographics. Women were identified with pink number tags, men under the age of 54 with yellow tags, and veterans aged 54 and above with red tags. This categorization not only added a sense of inclusivity but also allowed for fair competition within each group.

The flag-off ceremony was a moment of anticipation and excitement. As a participant in the yellow category, I eagerly awaited the start of the race. At exactly 7:00 AM, the yellow category commenced, followed by the pink and red categories five and ten minutes later. The route was laid out, stretching from Changlingmithang to 200 meters below Thimphu city welcome gate for the yellow category, covering a total distance of 15 kilometers (to and from). The pink and red categories had a slightly shorter route, spanning 10 kilometers from Changlingmithang Stadium to a U-turn near Dawa Store Babesa.

As I embarked on the marathon, the crisp morning air filled me with a sense of determination. The streets were lined with fellow participants, each driven by their own motivations. Some sought personal achievement, while others aimed to set new records. For me, it was about investing in my health, embracing the opportunity to push my limits and strengthen my resilience.

Sunday, March 03, 2024

Journal Entry: Those Who Love, They Teach


In the realm of education, amidst the chaos of political agendas and societal demands, there exists a silent force, often overlooked and underestimated – the teachers. They are the ones who illuminate the path of knowledge, shaping the minds and futures of generations to come. Yet, their dedication and sacrifices often go unnoticed, overshadowed by the political hurdles and bureaucratic red tape that plague the education system. In this journal entry, I delve into the intricate web of challenges faced by educators, particularly in the context of Bhutan, where promises are made and broken, and where the welfare of teachers and students hangs precariously in the balance.

The Silent Sacrifices:

As a teacher, I have witnessed firsthand the immense dedication and passion that my colleagues pour into their work. Despite the long hours, minimal resources, and bureaucratic constraints, they persevere, driven by a profound love for their students and a commitment to nurturing their potential. However, this love for teaching often comes at a cost – a cost that is rarely acknowledged or adequately compensated.

Political Hurdles and Educational Impact:

The education system in Bhutan, like many others around the world, is not immune to the influence of politics. Promises made during election campaigns often give rise to unrealistic expectations, leading to disappointment and disillusionment when they fail to materialize. The recent uproar over the Individual Work Plan (IWP) for teachers and the issue of Saturday off is a testament to this.

The Illusion of Change:

When political pledges are made, they are often met with optimism and hope. However, as time passes, reality sets in, and the harsh truth emerges – change is not as simple as it seems. The promises of modifying the IWP or granting Saturday off may have been made with good intentions, but the complexities of implementation cannot be ignored.

The Reality of Six-Day Work Weeks:

In Bhutan, as in many other countries, teachers and students find themselves trapped in a relentless cycle of six-day work weeks. This grueling schedule leaves little time for rest, reflection, or personal growth. Teachers, in particular, bear the brunt of this burden, sacrificing precious moments with their families and neglecting their own well-being for the sake of their students.

The Need for Consultation and Research:

In the midst of political turmoil and social unrest, it is imperative that decisions regarding education are informed by thorough research and meaningful consultation. Pledges made in haste, without considering the long-term consequences, only serve to exacerbate the existing challenges faced by teachers and students alike.

A Call for Change:

As educators, it is our duty to advocate for the welfare of our colleagues and students. We must challenge the status quo, question the decisions of policymakers, and demand accountability. Only then can we hope to create a more equitable and nurturing environment for teaching and learning.


In the face of political hurdles and societal pressures, it is easy to lose sight of the true essence of education – the love for learning and the passion for teaching. However, as educators, we must remain steadfast in our commitment to our students and our profession. We must continue to strive for change, to challenge injustice, and to uphold the values that lie at the heart of education. For it is those who love, they teach, and it is through their dedication and sacrifice that the seeds of knowledge are sown, and the future is shaped.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Reflective Journal on CL4STEM TOT Workshop: Empowering Secondary School STEM Educators

Day 2: February 27, 2024

The second day of the CL4STEM TOT Workshop continued to offer a wealth of insights and practical strategies aimed at empowering secondary school STEM educators. As we delved deeper into innovative pedagogical approaches and explored the integration of technology in teaching, the workshop provided a platform for reflection, collaboration, and professional growth.

Session 1: Reflective Teaching with Technology

Dr. Reeta Rai commenced the day with a thought-provoking session on Reflective Teaching with Technology (RTICT). Through interactive discussions and practical demonstrations, Dr. Rai highlighted the importance of leveraging technology to enhance teaching practices and promote reflective pedagogy. As educators, we were encouraged to embrace digital tools and platforms that facilitate active learning, student engagement, and formative assessment. The session underscored the transformative potential of technology in education and motivated us to explore innovative ways of integrating technology into our teaching repertoire.

Sessions 2 and 3: Universal Design Learning (UDL) and Lesson Planning

In the subsequent sessions, Dr. Reeta Rai delved into Universal Design Learning (UDL) and its components, emphasizing the importance of creating inclusive learning environments that cater to diverse student needs. Through interactive discussions and group activities, we explored how UDL principles could be applied in lesson planning across various subject areas. Participants collaborated in subject groups to design lessons using the components of UDL, fostering creativity and innovation in curriculum development. The activity segment provided a valuable opportunity for peer learning and knowledge sharing, as educators showcased their lesson plans and received feedback from their colleagues.

Session 4: Open Educational Resources (OER) Platform and Action Research Orientation

In the final session of the workshop, both Dr. Reeta Rai and Dr. Kinley introduced us to the Open Educational Resources (OER) platform—a common pedagogy module aimed at facilitating collaborative lesson planning and resource sharing among educators. We were oriented on lesson planning and reflection templates, as well as the features of the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) workshop for peer assessment. Participants were tasked with completing four modules on the OER platform, wherein they would upload two lessons and one video lesson in each module. This hands-on approach to professional development encouraged active engagement and practical application of workshop learnings.

The session concluded with a sharing of oral concerns and feedback from the participants, highlighting the importance of ongoing dialogue and collaboration in addressing key issues in STEM education. Mr. Pelden, a teacher from Wangbama CS, raised concerns regarding copyright protocols related to research articles and documents, while educators from Kuzhugchen MSS and Dechencholing HSS emphasized the importance of research validity in the context of our education system. Damcho Wangchuk, a teacher from Bajothang HSS, proposed expanding the intake of action research proposals from each school to promote teacher-led inquiry and innovation.

In response to these concerns, Offg. Chief Mrs. Pelden from TDD, MoESD, provided valuable insights into the requirements of action research for teachers, ICT infrastructures in schools, and the importance of professional learning communities. She assured teachers that the ministry would consider increasing the intake of action research proposals and conveyed their concerns to relevant authorities. Additionally, Drs from SCE welcomed teachers to submit their action research proposals to their seminar platform, further promoting teacher-led research and collaboration.

In closing the two-day workshop, Dr. Reeta Rai expressed gratitude to the participants for their active participation and commitment to professional growth. The workshop concluded on a note of inspiration and empowerment, as educators left with renewed enthusiasm and a wealth of practical strategies to enhance STEM education in their respective schools.


The CL4STEM TOT Workshop has been a transformative experience, providing a platform for reflection, collaboration, and professional growth. The sessions on Reflective Teaching with Technology, Universal Design Learning, and Open Educational Resources have equipped me with practical strategies and tools to enhance my teaching practices and promote inclusive learning environments. As I continue my journey of professional development, I am inspired to integrate these innovative approaches into my classroom instruction and contribute to the advancement of STEM education in Bhutan.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Reflective Journal on CL4STEM TOT Workshop: Empowering Secondary School STEM Educators


The CL4STEM TOT Workshop organized by Samtse College of Education in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Skills Development marked a significant endeavor to empower secondary school STEM educators in Bhutan. As one of the selected participants in the Thimphu Cluster, I embarked on a transformative journey aimed at enhancing my teaching practices and integrating innovative approaches into the curriculum. This reflective journal serves as a platform to document my experiences, insights, and key learnings from the workshop.

Day 1: February 26, 2024

The first day of the workshop commenced with a sense of anticipation and enthusiasm as 42 participants, including educators specializing in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics, gathered at Khasadrapchu MSS for registration. The presence of esteemed facilitators, including Dr. Reeta Rai, Dr. Kinley from SCE, Mr. Dorji Wangchuk  and Mrs. Pelden, from Ministry of Education and Skills Development added credence to the event. Session 1 set the tone for the day with self-introductions, a welcome message from Mr. Dorji Wangchuk, President of SCE and an introduction to the CL4STEM Consortium Project by Dr. Reeta Rai. The session fostered a sense of community among participants and highlighted the significance of the workshop in advancing STEM education in Bhutan.

Sessions 2 and 3 proved to be enlightening as Dr. Kinley introduced us to Design Thinking—a pedagogical approach aimed at fostering innovation and problem-solving skills among students. Through interactive discussions and examples, Dr. Kinley elucidated the steps involved in Design Thinking and its integration into teaching and lesson planning. The activity segment provided an opportunity for collaborative learning as participants across subject areas developed Design Thinking lesson plans, showcasing their creativity and ingenuity.

In the fourth session, Dr. Reeta Rai delved into Reflective Teaching with Technology (RTICT), emphasizing the importance of integrating diverse technological platforms into daily lesson planning. Through practical demonstrations and discussions, educators explored various ICT tools applicable to their teaching contexts. The session encouraged reflective practice, prompting participants to share their experiences and insights regarding the integration of technology in education. The collaborative nature of the activity facilitated knowledge sharing and peer learning, enriching the overall learning experience.

Key Learnings and Insights

1. Collaborative Learning: The workshop provided a platform for collaborative learning and knowledge sharing among educators from diverse backgrounds. The interactive sessions and activities fostered a sense of camaraderie and encouraged participants to learn from one another.

2. Innovative Pedagogical Approaches: The introduction to Design Thinking and Reflective Teaching with Technology (RTICT) offered valuable insights into innovative pedagogical approaches aimed at enhancing student engagement and learning outcomes. These approaches emphasize active learning and student-centered instruction, aligning with contemporary educational trends.

3. Practical Application: The workshop emphasized the practical application of theoretical concepts in the classroom. Through hands-on activities and discussions, educators gained practical strategies and tools to integrate Design Thinking and RTICT into their teaching practices.

4. Continuous Professional Development: The duration of the TOT workshop, spanning over five months with online courses through the Moodle platform, underscores the importance of continuous professional development in education. The workshop serves as a springboard for ongoing learning and growth, equipping educators with the skills and knowledge needed to adapt to evolving educational landscapes.


The CL4STEM TOT Workshop has been a transformative experience, equipping me with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enhance my teaching practices and foster innovation in the classroom. The workshop's emphasis on collaborative learning, innovative pedagogical approaches, and practical application has been instrumental in broadening my understanding of effective STEM education. As I embark on the next phase of the workshop through online courses, I am excited to continue my journey of professional growth and contribute to the advancement of STEM education in Bhutan.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Commencing the Academic Journey of 2024 at Babesa Higher Secondary School

 As the dawn of a new academic year graced the corridors of Babesa Higher Secondary School, the air buzzed with anticipation and excitement. The fervor of new beginnings was palpable, echoing through the halls as faculty alike prepared to embark on yet another enriching journey of knowledge and growth.

The day commenced with a warm welcome note delivered by the esteemed principal, whose words resonated with optimism and encouragement. The principal extended heartfelt greetings to both returning faculty and newcomers, emphasizing the school's commitment to nurturing academic excellence and holistic development.

A highlight of the morning's proceedings was the ceremonious welcoming of new teachers with traditional Khadars. This time-honored gesture symbolized not only a gesture of hospitality but also a deep-rooted respect for the incoming educators, acknowledging their pivotal role in shaping the minds of Babesa HSS.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Journal Entry: The Last Day of the ITEC Program - December 12, 2023

December 12, 2023

Today marked the culmination of a month-long journey that transcended borders and cultures. The ITEC program, a collaborative effort to enhance knowledge and foster international cooperation, came to an end on this momentous 12th of December, 2023. The air was charged with a mix of excitement and nostalgia as we gathered for the final day's activities.

The day began in the early hours, under the supervision of the esteemed Professor Dr. KSA Dinesh. We were handed forms, a routine but necessary formality for the ITEC program, along with feedback forms that would serve as a testament to our experiences and the effectiveness of the program. These bureaucratic rituals were but a prelude to the main event - the Valedictory Function.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Journal Entry - December 11, 2023 - Back to NITTTR campus

December 11, 2023

The day unfolded with a subtle charm, offering a well-deserved respite for the participants of the NITTTR program. The morning session was declared a moment of reprieve, acknowledging the Hattic journey that had captivated our attention the day before. The echoes of that cultural expedition lingered in the air, prompting some of us to seize the opportunity and explore the vibrant streets of Chennai.

Saravana Stores, a bustling shopping emporium, became the epicenter of our retail therapy. Nestled in the heart of the city, this retail giant is not merely a shopping destination; it is a cultural phenomenon that has evolved over the years. Established in 1969, Saravana Stores has grown from a humble textile showroom to a sprawling retail conglomerate, encompassing diverse segments such as clothing, electronics, and household items. The store's success is deeply rooted in its commitment to providing quality products at reasonable prices, making it a favored haunt for locals and tourists alike.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Journal Entry - December 9th-10th, 2023

 December 9th, 2023

Today marked an exciting chapter in our journey at the National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR). On the 9th of December 2023, participants were treated to a delightful day of sightseeing, exploring the cultural and historical gems of Mysuru.

Our adventure commenced with a visit to the renowned Mysuru Zoo, officially known as the Sri Chamarajendra Zoological Gardens. Nestled in the heart of Mysuru, this zoo has a rich history dating back to 1892 when it was established by the then Maharaja Chamarajendra Wadiyar. Covering an expansive area of 157 acres, the zoo is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including exotic species from around the globe.

Friday, December 08, 2023

Journal Entry: December 5-8, 2023 - Cyclone

In the aftermath of the cyclone that hit on December 5, 2023, our guest house became a refuge but also a challenge. The torrential rainwater flooded the premises, rising to a daunting 2 meters. With power cut off from the evening of the first day, we found ourselves steamed under the relentless heat, our usual comforts stripped away. In these challenging times, Mr. Shankar, the caretaker of the guest house, and the dedicated cooks worked tirelessly to serve us meals, offering a glimmer of solace for which we were profoundly grateful.

The second day dawned, but the water showed no signs of receding. Undeterred, we continued our survival routine, finding strength in unity and the generosity of those around us. As the day unfolded, we remained resilient, grappling with uncertainty. The unwavering commitment of Mr. Shankar and the kitchen staff played a pivotal role in keeping our spirits high amid the challenging conditions.

Monday, December 04, 2023

Journal Entry - Cyclone MICHAUNG

Journal Entry - 04/12/2023
Today marked an unexpected turn of events as the Government of Tamil Nadu, through G.O. Ms.No.751 dt., declared a public holiday under the Negotiable Instruments Act 1881. The reason behind this unusual declaration was the looming threat of Cyclonic Storm 'MICHAUNG.' The storm, a formidable force of nature, had prompted authorities to take swift action in ensuring the safety of the public.
In line with the government's directive, the Director of the National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR) in Chennai promptly announced the closure of the institute for the day, acknowledging the severity of the situation. This decision aimed to prevent unnecessary risks and potential harm to the students and staff.

The term 'Michaung,' proposed by Myanmar, symbolises strength and resilience. The World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) is responsible for managing the rotating name lists assigned to each tropical cyclone basin.
The cyclonic storm 'Michaung' is active and likely to intensify further over the Bay of Bengal into a severe cyclonic storm.

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